Dec 17, 2012

Sometimes It's the Simple Things In Life That Matter

Looking at the stars and feeling both infinitely small and and infinitely worthy.

Someone telling me that they appreciate me or something I’ve done. Seriously, seems so small but causes such a warm feeling.

When you forget it’s Friday in the middle of your work day, then as you are about to leave you remember. It’s like a miniature brain orgasm.

Sitting on the grass on a slightly windy, but aggressively sunny day, knowing that I have no obligations whatsoever for the entire day.

Waking up on a day where i don’t have to go anywhere, and finding out that its pouring rain.

Waking up in the morning and realizing that I still have more time to sleep and being able to go back to sleep.

Falling asleep to the sound of rain outside my window.

Coming home from a long day and taking my pants off immediately.

Smiling at a girl and getting the smile returned.

Watching the rain drops race down the window.

Being at the grocery store and realising that I, as an adult, can buy nothing but ice cream for dinner and no-one can say shit about it.

Napping uninterrupted. Bonus if it’s dark and rainy outside.

Sitting down in the morning with a fresh cup of coffee, knowing I’ve got the whole day ahead of me and don’t have to do shit.

The first twenty seconds of a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I don’t care after that.

When a stranger says hi to me – for absolutely no reason other than to say hello.

Being the last to make a green light.

Socks straight from the dryer.

Three green lights in a row during rush hour.

Coming home from a night of excessive alcohol consumption and collapsing into bed.

The moment you realize you’re over whatever illness you had.